Curl Cheatsheet

Basic Curl Commands

Fetch a page


Fetch a page, following redirects

curl -L https://my-url

Insecure, don’t validate certificates

curl -k

  • Trying a callout in a bullet list <1>

Deleting secondary dependencies, not so easy, hacky solution? :(

  1. Capture your dependencies pip freeze > requirements.ym;

  2. Edit requirements.yml removing unwanted dependencies

  3. Make a new virtualenv

  4. Install your new dependencies list pip install -r requirements.yml

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About Tony Kay
Team lead for Automation and Management in Red Hat's GPTE DevOps and Automation team. Working globally, I focus primarily on Hybrid Cloud Automation with Ansible. About 2/3rds of my time is automating production cloud deployments and developing both code and training content. I also deliver Automation training globally to both Red Hat and Partner Consultants and Architects on cloud infrastructure using Ansible and on OpenShift/Kubernetes.
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