First Deploy with Ansible AgnosticD

First Deploy with AgnosticD This is the second in a series of posts about using, and contributing to, AgnosticD. An Ansible based deployer. In this article we’ll work our way through getting started and deploying a multi-node config, called three-tier-app to AWS. The video, and the steps below, cover the same content. Step by Step AgnosticD runs fine on both Linux and MacOS with Windows users strongly recommended to use a Linux VM, though I’d love to hear if anyone has run it in a Windows Subsystem for Linux.

Introduction to AgnosticD - a Cloud Agnostic Ansible Deployer

Getting Started with AgnosticD This is the first in a series of posts designed to get new users up and running with AgnosticD, an Ansible based Cloud Agnostic Deployment Platform. What is "AgnosticD" AgnosticD allows users to deploy various types of infrastructure to major cloud platforms and by design to be extensible in both the cloud platforms it supports and they type of infrastructure it deploys. Extensively used daily within Red Hat example use cases include: